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Silicon Quantum Dots: Controllable Doping, Performance Tuning, and Device Applications

责任编辑: 发布时间:2024-11-14 浏览次数:87

报告题目:Silicon Quantum Dots: Controllable Doping, Performance Tuning, and Device Applications

报告时间:11月15日 15:00


报告简介:Silicon quantum dots (Si QDs) have attracted much attention nowadays because of their novel properties and potential applications in many kinds of nano-devices. In order to further improve the device performance, realizing effective doping in Si QDs is a crucial subject. However, the doping in nano-scaled semiconductors is quite complicated and difficult as revealed both in theoretical and experimental studies. Here, we report the systematically study on Phosphorus (P) or/and Boron (B) doping in Si QDs-based multilayers. The comparative study on the favourite occupy sites of P, B singly and co-doping in Si QDs has been carried out theoretically. We demonstrate the substitutional doping can be achieved even in the small-sized Si QDs experimentally and high conductivity can be obtained. It is also found that the light emission can be enhanced by suitable P doping. More interesting, the sub-band light emission has been observed for P-doped Si QDs and the corresponding model is proposed and the improved sub-band emission is realized by P/B co-doping.

报告人简介:李东珂,博导,现工作于浙江大学杭州国际科创中心和硅及先进半导体材料全国重点实验室,担任“科创百人计划”研究员&PI。近年来主要聚焦于 “硅基光电子材料与器件”领域,针对当前硅基光电子集成芯片中光源短缺这一重大科学问题,在硅基发光材料的均匀制备、高效光电特性调控以及新型器件应用等方面进行探索创新。迄今为止,在Nano Lett.、Adv. Opt. Mater.、Science China: Inform. Sci.、Appl. Phys. Lett.等期刊发表SCI论文50余篇;主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、中国和江苏省博士后基金、江苏省自然科学基金等科研项目;参与了国家重点研发计划、国家基金委 “后摩尔时代重大研发计划”重点项目、杭州市领军型创新创业团队等。曾多次在国内外学术会议上受邀作报告,获得过江苏省“双创博士(世界名校类)”、淮安市第三届十大“科技之星”等奖励或资助。